Hello once again, fellow Gamespotters. It is I, Darrogamer06, providing you with another written blog.
Anyway, I was going through the WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2006 forum here on Gamespot and there are certain topics on it saying that a store in Liverpool actually has it on sale or something according to some people or whatever and that it is in Glasgow as well. Basically, some users are stating they saw the game on sale at certain UK locations.
Well, either this is absolute malarkey and not true or else it is actually true and it is on release a week early, which to me would be awesome if it were here but doubt it though.
I have been told that it is out now in France and Belgium, meaning they are lucky ba***rds (just kidding). I will not be surprised though if it does come out now or in a few days before since this seems to be a regular thing occuring now in the UK, with them breaking release dates. It started with Lego Star Wars 2 being released 2 days earlier than the release date (it came out on the 9th September but wasn't supposed to be out until the 11th) and just recently there as well in that Bully and Pro Evolution Soccer were out a few days earlier than the planned release date (out 25th October, release date 27th).
It would be great if I went down tomorrow to GAME, Virgins Megastores or HMV and actually seen it on sale because if it were, no doubt about it I would get it but I can wait another week, unlike Cartman who couldn't wait 3 weeks for the Nintendo Wii to come out in South Park (funny episode, but strange with the whole Garrison storyline).
In other news, I actually went back to playing a certain GTA: San Andreas game for the PS2 earlier this week, as I have not played that game in ages and actually finding myself enjoying it again with the characters and the voice-acting and the missions etc and will be playing it and Bully up until the release of Smackdown (if it is out on the 10th) and will probably play nothing else that weekend.
Also been playing some more of World of Warcraft, which I am now at level 16 in it and still loving that game by the way and probably the only game for the PC other than Guild Wars, I have played for more than 5 hours total.
Finally, it is my mother's 50th birthday today and we are planning to go out for a meal this weekend, which will be nice, as it has been a while since we went out for a meal.
So, that is all from Darro right now and will have a video blog sometime this weekend and if you can PRETTY PLEASE give me some questions to answer, as I have not answered any in ages and miss doing it because I am getting tired of doing the same old blogs. Maybe you can issue me challenges as well like ffgothic does in I for an I and I would appreciate it also. So ROCK ON!
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