Yep, today I bought the game that many proclaim "takes over your life" and it is for the PC and is considered to be the best MMO around.
Yes, I am talking about a certain Blizzard game known as World of Warcraft or WoW for short. You may be asking, why did I get this game when I never stated recently that I may be thinking of getting it.
Well, the reason I got is because of a episode of a certain tv show made by two people known as Trey Parker and Matt Stone. Of course, I am talking about South Park and its recent episode, Make Love, Not Warcraft.
I actually had a bunch of games that I didn't mind trading in and was actually going to trade them in for Just Cause for the Xbox 360 but in the end I only needed to trade in 1 game with nearly 10 quid left over, as the game only turned out to be £14.99 instead of £24.99, as priced.
I have installed it and signed up and that but due to how long it took to install and download the patch and that, I haven't gotten a chance to check it out yet since my brother is in the room now and hopefully, he will be going out later so I can have my first hands-on experience with the game.
In other news, I will definitely do the Kingdom Hearts video review sometime this weekend and not sure about a text review, as I find it hard to put something down for it. So if you have any questions about the game you would like answered then let me know before tomorrow or Sunday so I can answer them while doing the review.
Tomorrow, I will give you my impressions with WoW if I get the chance to play it and have a video blog possibly so stay tuned!
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