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Missing the 360!

Hey guys. This is just going to be a little blog basically saying that I really miss playing on the 360 and well, I know I can go back and finish games I haven't completed or whatnot but all I want to do is play ME, AC and COD 4. That won't happen now until Monday since nothing came my way today and it just makes me sad.

I know I have Galaxy but I am kind of done with it for the time being but I should go back into it though during the weekend to like you know, pass the time. Like I have been waiting to play ME very much and for me not to play it right now is awful.

Still haven't sent my broken 360 due to the fact that I need to obtain a box of my own, which quite frankly has me annoyed. You see, in the US they get their box shipped out to them so that they can put the 360 in, package it up and send it along its merry way. Here though, we have to get a damn box of our own (once again, the short end of the stick we get) and that is nothing but cheap basically.

I just want to play a game I have been anticipating, is that too much to ask. ;(