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My Sanctuary, My Sanctuary!

Yes, after waiting all week, I finally got Kingdom Hearts and thus far, I am enjoying it a lot even though I sort of know what happens in the first few hours (thanks to Mempf_DS's excellent marathon of the game). I recommend you check it out if you are interested in the game.

For progress, I am at the start of Sora's Adventure after playing as Roxas, which I liked anyway just because I like Twlight Town as it looks a nice place even though it isn't real. The title of the blog is a lyric line in the main song of the game, My Sanctuary, which I really like because I liked Simple and Clean from the first game anyway.

The sad news is I don't think this will do well in the UK, as opposed to the US because a certain other game came out today here, which unfortunately will do much better since it is the main sport here and comes out every year and that is FIFA 07. I hate sports games because I do not play any or whatever, as I am not interested in any of them, as games is my main interest.

In other news, I downloaded the WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2007 demo for the 360 and it took ages but thanks to NeoJedi for letting me know about it in his blog or else I would not have known until today perhaps. My first impressions are quite good but I do not like the fact that your opponent reverses about 90% of your moves and also beats you after you giving him a absolute beating during the match. As for the new features like the ultimate control moves and that, they make the gameplay a lot more realistic.

Plus, a overdue part of it is in it now with the ability to finishers on tables as I did the pedrigree and chokeslam in them yet you cannot do them on chairs, which sucks. The graphics are very detailed and one of the best parts but the commentary is just god awful and a lot of it is rehashed stuff from last year, which means they didn't bother this year and I couldn't care anyway since wrestling commentary in games are crap.

Also, look for the 5th episode of Darro's Den this weekend although the views of last episode were very bad indeed, less than 10. To tell you the truth, I think I will just drop it since most people out there would rather watch 2 minute blogs like 20 minutes, since they do not have time. Let me know if you agree or disagree. If I get enough views or whatever, I will do episode 5 and if not, then I am ditching the idea.

So, that is all I have to say for the time being so let me know about Darro's Den whether or not to continue or not because no one seems to care except for about 10 of you guys.  But, that is all from me for now so enjoy your weekend and ROCK ON!