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New Feature!

Hey guys.  I am here once again to bring you another blog.

I am thinking of doing a new feature in addition to my weekly video blog and I just have the idea of picking out some games to play that people might or might not know of in which I consider them as great games or classics.  I have a name for the feature and it is pretty stupid but here goes:  Darro's Delights!  Told you it sucked.

Anyway, if you guys are up for this then I will do a pilot episode of it this week with a special PS1 game and no it ain't Final Fantasy VII.  First I will talk about the game and why I think its great etc.  Then I will show some gameplay footage if that particular game.  Like Darro's Den but not in 4 parts! 

Played some WoW last night with the  guild I am in and we did the Deadmines, which was fun and got some good items to sell off to auctions if possible.  Just wish I can play with some of my friends here on GS on the US servers but unfortunately, stuck on the European servers. 

Well until next time, keep on gaming!