Hey guys, once again I present to you a blog about my thought on a certain topic and this time around it is online gaming. What do I really think of it and what are the good and bad points of online experiences? All of this is revealed in this blog so I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think of online gaming.
This would have been up yesterday if it weren't for the uploading problem that occured in the last few days but it is up and running now.
Also, you can see that I got the Boss Murder Witness emblem even though I didn't watch the live broadcast of the show but watched it afterwards but a lot of people have been getting this so glad I ain't the only one.
Also, I have put the Ultimate Favourite game on hiatus for a bit as I don't come around to doing it now and would rather put it on hold for a while and bring it back to where it was before. It will probably be back by the weekend or so and if not next week at the latest.
Anyway, watch the video and enjoy!
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