Well some of you guys out there adore the PSP and hate the DS and others love the DS but hate the PSP. I am one who likes both but prefers one over the other due to the fact that it has more interesting games coming out for it and that half the games coming out for the preferred handheld ain't BLOODY PORTS!!
Masoumi is very well on the point in his latest blog in that the PSP is just an untapped resource waiting to get out and provide us with its true potential rather than ports that we all know will be a lot better on their bigger brothers. Sure there are a few original games on there but some of them are not really pushing the PSP to its limits or really blowing us away in terms of graphics, sound and gameplay.
I only took out my PSP there recently to play Daxter, as it was the only game that I was interested in playing for it and although there are a few games on it I wouldn't mind playing, they are not buying material.
The PSP needs to spread its wings and show its true form in the future and have unique original games that showcase the PSP or else like the title of the blog suggests, it is going to be a permanent shelf position and never be played again by me!
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