Hello folks and welcome to another Rant Attack edition. You might remember me doing one of these a few months ago and it was up a few days or before the whole Jeff Gerstmann incident occurred.
This one is about release dates in the gaming industry and my problems with it. I do mentioned that there could be valid reasons behind the delays and that but sometimes they tend to be BS ones like the one apparently from Reggie about Brawl not coming here until Autumn (although the date on here says June 6, which I hope is the right one). Now looking at this one, I think I could have done a better job. Like one thing for example I probably should have mentioned is that we sometimes tend to get games before the US does but since that is rarity, it got pushed aside.
Let me know what you guys think as I appreciate your comments on your views since I know some of you out there have certain problems with it like myself. Enjoy the video and keep on gaming!