A third way through the backlog!
Hello people. This is Darro here with another backlog update and yes, I have completed another game, which makes the total of backlog bonanza games beaten to 4 meaning I am a third of the way through this ordeal, GO ME!
Of course, the game in question is Ratchet: Gladiator/Deadlocked for the PS2 and I said it before that this is the weakest in the series but by no means it is not good all because it is still great and fun to play but not as memorable or awesome as the previous three (I haven't played Size Matters but I believe it is more in line with the first games). I think the best part of the game for me was Dallas, the male announcer for the Dreadzone show and some of the little quips he had during the game were pretty humourous but by no means laugh out loud funny but still cool, as the other three had its fair share of humour as well.
I really like the Ratchet and Clank series and probably its my favourite game series on the PS2 besides God of War since all of them have been consistently great to play and looking forward to playing it on the PS3 and also have to check out the one for the PSP since I don't want to miss out.
That is all I have to say on this matter, if you enjoy your action games, then you will enjoy this. It is not really long now but it is fun to play while it lasts and if you liked the first three, you will like this one too! Anyway, next up is the only Gamecube game on the backlog bonanza and you should know what it is by this:
"Henshin a go-go, baby!" Take care and ROCK ON!!