RRW is nearly over and today I pretty much played the same games as yesterday except Megaman, Kirby's Adventure and Lylat Wars. I have also played a new game today, which I never played before and that I really enjoyed. It is Punch-Out and some people on here consider this to be one of their favourite games of all time (well the Mike Tyson's Punch-Out :P)
I played about an hour or so of it today and got to Bald Bull at the title bout in the 2nd tier of bouts you may say and almost beat him but unfortunately got me in the end. Its just a game that has simple gameplay but is addicting to play nonetheless and will see myself trying to get past the array of fighters and make it to Mr Dream, who will probably be a nightmare to beat.
Finished Gunstar Heroes once again and the part before the final boss was pretty hard for me since I had low health as I progressed and was very luckly not to die during that part. Died on the last boss since I only had 4 health left. I recommend you guys get this game on the Virtual Console or the Mega Drive/Genesis if you have one. Its a classic action game.
Sorry about the lack of video but didn't feel like doing one today (you know me). I will do one tomorrow or Saturday that will consist of a run through of Lylat Wars. There will be several videos of course and each video will be one mission. I will be providing commentary as I am going to do the Let's Play scenario on it that you see on so many games via Youtube. Anyway, take care and ROCK ON!! Haven't said that in a while.