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Saving Up!

Hello people, it is Darro here with another blog.

I am not going to go through the usual bog-standard blog where I give you an update on what I have been playing the last few days but a certain thing I want to do for this year and hopefully I have the dedication and that to do it.

What is this?, you are saying.  Well, the truth is I want to save up money in order to get a good gaming laptop in order to play games that might interest me on the PC and there is a certain few this year I would actually like to check out.  The thing is, I have a laptop at the moment but it is 4 years old in March and it wasn't that great for gaming in the first place with the crappy integrated graphics card, low processor speed and RAM. I am not going to get rid of it, as it was a present for my 18th birthday and I still use it to go online etc to watch On The Spot live and other things.

Also, I really want to continue playing World of Warcraft because it is a great MMO game but it is not a game that would suck away my life, as I just couldn't do that. But it would be nice for me to play it anytime I want on my own computer and not my brother's (he doesn't mind me using his computer though).  Also, with the release of The Burning Crusade, I would like to try out the new races perhaps and check out the Outlands although I am nowhere near level 60 at the moment (level 21 or 22 I believe).  Its just, there is no point paying a monthly subscription where I can't play it for a majority of the week. Plus, I haven't played it in like a month or so led me to cancelling the subscription for the time-being and I don't think I was charge for the month of December so it could have been free perhaps or something.

So, I might not actually buy any more games over the next several months because there isn't anything I REALLY want out with the exception of God of War II, of course.  This will basically give me a great chance to go back to my big backlog of games and to finish some of them off then. I have no interest in getting a PS3 either and will wait until a handful of games that interest me come out before I consider getting it.  I am considering saving up for an Alienware laptop because they tend to be the best for pure gaming, as this laptop would just be really for that purpose.  I really want to get a gaming laptop to call my own and not a desktop PC since I want to only use it myself because I am basically the big gamer in the house anyway.

So what do you guys think of this task?  Do you think I can get it done if I put effort into it etc?  Let me know what you guys think and also, what specs would you think would be great for my gaming laptop?

I will keep you updated on what is occuring on my quest to get it so until then, this has been Darrogamer06 telling you to keep on gaming and to ROCK ON!!