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Smackdown first impressions

Well, I have played Smackdown for quite a bit the last few days and all I can say is I am a tad disappointed by it.  I thought it would be a better game in certain instances and some things in the game just annoy the hell out of me sometimes that spoils my overall enjoyment of the game. 

The first thing is the difficulty.  I am playing season mode on Hard and I know it should be hard and all that there but it is just bloody ridiculous that your opponent reverses like 90% of your moves and the computer AI actually seems to know when actually you are going to get a move also even you are grappling them for a few seconds and just makes it hard for you to actually do some moves on him and makes the whole game so unreealistic etc.  I am alright now with reversals and tend to do them some time except finishers because I know I am hitting them at the right time but 9 times out of 10 I don't reverse it.

The second thing is that they seem they took a page out of the Wrestlemania 21 book in that when a opponent does a move on you, it takes practically forever for you to get up even if it is at the start of the match but still you be down for what feels like 5 minutes. 

Don't get me wrong, I still like the game and like the whole new control system and the UMC and environment hotspots, its just these things amongst others, like people just doing the same move over and over again in online (did not occur all the tiem, just one or two matches I had) and still brain-dead AI, the only thing the guys seemed to have worked on this year is the new control system and if they sort out the AI in this game, then it would be a lot more enjoyable.

I had some good matches online especially a 4-way ladder match I had today, which lasted 26 minutes or something in the end and I won it with Carlito.  Played with Tidus_Swain and AndyWilliams24, which was good and looking forward to playing against NeoJedi in the upcoming week to see if I can kick his ass or his although Tidus is pretty good at the game.

Anyway, that was my rant on Smackdown and will probably be doing some gameplay footage during the next week just to see how things are for Total Annihilation unless one of you other guys is up for recording the matches.