Yes, it is I once again, Darrogamer06 and it is the start of another week and what will occur this week for yours truly and in the gaming world.
Well, if you are a fan or a big fan of a certain MMO out there, then you will know that tomorrow is the day that none other than World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade is released worldwide and I am sure it will be do VERY well considering that there are now 8 million players subscribed to WoW and it will only get bigger with the release of this expansion pack.
I am not going to be apart of this though for a while because I just recently cancelled my subscription to the game not because it is taking over my life or anything like that now. Its just I would like it if I can play it anytime I like on my own computer (when I get a good capable one) instead of on my brother's computer when he is away. So for the time being, I won't be in the land of Azeroth and the new continent of Outland but hopefully will be back on it within the next year.
Well what has been going on in my gaming life? Well, if you seen the video blog I did last Friday, then you would know, I rented a game called Sonic The Hedgehog for the 360 and stated I would tell you what my thoughts on it are. Well, at first, I thought it was a crap game but after playing a bit more of it, I actually thought it was pretty decent at best but it is definitely not a great game now by any means necessary. The game's controls or whatever are somewhat sensitive for their own good and you will end up dying a lot of times because of stupid jumps or directional problems etc.
I like the graphics in the game now and that is probably the best thing I can say about it. I would not recommend buying this game unless you are a big Sonic fan or you want to take time in getting the points because you would be best to buy this game in order to get the points or rent it from an online rental service.
I am still playing Okami of course and still loving the hell out of it also. The more I play it, the more I appreciate the time and dedication that Clover Studios put into this game and some people will say it is great and original while other people will say its just a very good Zelda clone. Well you can respect both side's opinions anyway because the game does have Zelda aspects at the start but when you go through more of the game, it becomes less of a Zelda clone and more of a excellent original game.
I love the graphics, the celestial brush amongst other things and cannot wait to play more of this beautiful, exquisite game. As far as where I am currently at in the game? Just finished the Gale shrine, which you can say is the second dungeon in the game but wasn't really big enough to be called a dungeon in my opinion and beating Crimson Helm, who is was so damn easy to beat and I think I beat jimb0's time in the video he did of the battle.
Also of course, I am still playing some Saints Row multiplayer (Blinged out Ride) with Denis, Andy and the crew and sad to say we did not really do well yesterday because we lost all the games that I was apart of and not sure if some of them played more of it when I left but gangs we played against were quite good and in some games, we almost won. Still enjoy the game although you do get some cheap asses who take the chain to their base and just stay there meaning you have to go over and kill them but you kill them and their partners pick up the money etc and respawn meaning they have the advantage.
Also still playing Wario Ware: Smooth Moves and just love that game because of the way you use the Wiimote and for me, it has been the best use of the Wiimote thus far out of all the games that has been released and the score it got here on Gamespot shows it.
That is basically all that I have been getting up to. I am actually thinking of doing another video review in the next week or few weeks and there are several games I am thinking of reviewing so here they are and you guys can vote as to which one you want me to review. Here are the choices:
Wario Ware: Smooth Moves
Zelda: Twlight Princess
Gears of War
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2007
Kingdom Hearts II
So until next time, this has been Darrogamer06 signing out telling all you gamers to keep on gaming and to ROCK ON!!
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