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The Aftermath!

Well, its been over a day now since I found out about the news that Jeff Gerstmann had been fired from his job at Gamespot because of his "tone" within the Kane & Lynch review and that Eidos threaten to pull their ad campaign if something wasn't done about it. This is the story that we have received but it is not the full story per se and we may very well never know the full story behind this shocking news.

Since then, a lot of users on here have basically posted blogs on the same topic: Jeff Gerstmann and his firing and some of them have been sensible and some of them have been angry ranting and lashing out at Eidos and at Gamespot/CNET. I find it pretty ironic though in that the last video I did was kind of related to this news in that I went on about people bashing reviewers and reviews because of the fact it didn't get a score they wanted etc and a man lost his job over that very same thing allegedly. Some of the guys I know here on Gamespot and have become good friends with over the past 2 years are leaving and ain't coming back because of what occurred and quite frankly, I can't blame them for doing so. Some people will be staying of course although they will never feel the same way about this site again and that is the way I feel. I can never look at this website the same way again because of what happened. It has been forever tarnished and will never recover from this ordeal. Current and former Gamespot editors have basically given their thoughts on the matter and just feel saddened over the whole situation.

We all know that Jeff Gerstmann will be fine because I don't see that guy taking a downward spiral from this. After all, the guy has integrity and he will be back in the business perhaps in no time writing for another site/publication but who knows, something else none of us expected can be opened for him and we will look forward to see what lies in store for the face of Gamespot, Jeff Gerstmann. I know everyone here that is shocked and saddened by this will wish him the very best of luck in his future endeavours and I do too.

So what about me? Am I going to take the high road and leave this site that I have grown accustomed to for the past 2 years? Or will I be, like certain others, staying put only for the community this site has because that is what all is left now. You can't look at reviews and all that in the same light again because you will just have remember about this and cannot trust the reviews. I respect the editors that are apart of the website still but what will they become after this? They will be fine for the most part but in the back of their minds perhaps, they will always remember the week that changed Gamespot forever.

As for me, I have a new account over at Gametrailers. You may think that this is it and I am leaving this tarnished site but I am not. I am one of the guys who is sticking around but perhaps not as often as I used to be. I enjoy the community around here a lot but everything else is somewhat damaged goods now (I am probably exaggerating). If you are of the people who migrated over to Gametrailers, then this is my profile over there. I will be updating it over the next few weeks with videos and the like anyway so I have an alternative home from here. As for some of you, goodbye since some of you ain't coming back and to the others: toodles!