Yes, I think it is best to say that I won't be doing any more video blogs not because I don't want to as I enjoy doing them for you loyal viewers but because of this stupid problem still occurring with the uploading.
I have tried 4 times now uploading the same video and the same stupid problem arises yet I see my friend's videos going up alright without a hitch yet I am still here stuck trying to get blogs I did last week to get up and appear on the site.
I believe there are some other people getting this problem and it seems to be me that they from non-American/Canadian countries and that it seems to be a problem outside these countries although one person here in the UK (AndyWilliams24) that I know of at least got his video up alright so why can't I?
Anyway, enough of this rant but I now conclude that I cannot get them up anymore and I did ask at GS Technical but no one replied.
In other news, I got NHL 07 yesterday by trading in Dead or Alive 4 (good game though but I suck at it) and LOTR: BFME 2 (strategy games are just not my thing) and my first impressions are quite positive, as it is a good hockey game and the skill stick, although a bit complicated at first, you will eventually get the hang of.
So anyway, I will be probably just posting my updates from now on unless something miraculous comes about and fixes this problem for me but that ain't happening in my eyes thanks to Glitchspot.
UPDATE: I am now trying again for the 6th time using a little thing a person posted in the comments by just putting in test to see if it works. I also think it is a disagrace in that this problem hasn't been sorted out yet or actually know what the problem is that is causing this judging by the threads in the GS Technical Support forum. If someone knows if they said what the problem is, let me know as soon as possible thanks.
UPDATE 2: SUCCESS!!!! IT WORKED!!! Yes, that test thing must have done something or else 6th time's a charm. The first part got uploaded right, processed right and now available for viewing. Did the same for the 2nd part so hope it goes alright.
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