Since there was a draw with the first one, the 2nd round will now be a 3-way match between KOTOR, Fable and Oblivion. Anyway, the next two matches will go all weekend and voting will close at 6pm Monday evening
The first match is between two games in one of the most popular series and revolutionised gaming in a way with its unique freedom.
The second match pits two games that are similar in a way in that you have to go around and kill people or "make them a offer they can't refuse!"
HM 4
Also, I have made a little mess of my contest in that I only had 47 in the end and put Tekken 3 twice against DBZ and The Warriors. I will ask you the voters to select a game that you really liked that is similar to the Warriors in terms of gameplay and that and will put it up again it.
Remember, voting closes 6pm Monday evening so get voting for your favourites. Again, vote for one from each match.
UPDATE: The reason HM is there because they won't accept the actual name of the game (Hitman) as it gets censored for some reason. Didn't stop them before with my other blogs.