Once again, Mr John "I AM INVINCIBLE!" Cena wins another match by beating The Abysmal Khali by none other than the unstoppable submission itself, the STFU. What did I say Denis? Seriously, you wasted x amount of dollars on the crap that was Judgment Day judging by the results. This is why I hardly watch WWE with crap like this and heck at this rate, even Cena would beat Hogan since they make him lose to NO ONE! Only children and women like Cena and the real wrestling fans just hate his guts but whatever the fans want anyway, WWE does the opposite.
Least MVP finally won the US Title, which he should have won at Mania and Edge retained the title but everything else sucked. Withering Wrestling Entertainment is what it should be called now. Well, least I can watch PPVs that were good back in the day and not like now.