It has been two weeks since I did a blog on here and I did a video earlier today but went on a bit too long plus it took ages to upload on the other PC and when it did, it failed because it was too long when I spilt them into 2 parts and the first one was 9:59. I will make a video or another text blog in a few days time going into more detail on what I have been up to lately but for now since other people have done this, I decided to do it also. Below is my MGS 4 completion screen and I think its pretty fair for a first playthrough and died 20 times and most of them were not during boss fights. I am going to talk about MGS 4 a lot more in an upcoming video but I just have to say that it was one of the most exhilarting, emotional, breathtaking games I have had the privilege of playing in my life and just the sheer amount of work that was put into this game to make it work is astounding.
So without further ado, here it is: