If you have played Guitar Hero II, then you will get the title, as their is a song called Who was in m room last night? Hello once again fellow Gamespotters, Darrogamer06 bringing you a special Darro's Blog showing you an updated room tour.
"Updated?", you say. Well, one of my first video blogs was showing you a tour of my room but since it was on my old computer, I couldn't move the webcam far hence it was limited to just moving the webcam a bit and telling you what is there etc. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it and leave questions for me to answer for my actual blog this week, thanks.
Until then, keep on gaming and ROCK ON!!!
EDIT: I forgot to mention a few things while doing my room tour. I didn't mention the PC games that were beside my bed there as I was showing you my DVD collection. The games there were games like Guild Wars, Longest Journey, WoW etc. You also seen a shot before I went into my cupboard of a box with magazines in it and that. In there is my Gamesmaster collection and have I have quite a lot of them so I do ranging from 1999 to 2007. Also, I have a bunch of strategy guides with the majority of them being guides on RPGs like Oblivion, Final Fantasy and that.