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At Least one of my Friends has a Brain in Her Head...

Yesterday on Myspace I was talking to Allora about V-Day and it turns out that she is not a vain gift ***** like some people I know, if you go on my Myspace you can see 3 comments she left on my page yesterday [and a comment about when I said I hate being single... did not leave a reason why though], she said that she just wants to have fun with her friends because that you are not here forever and you should just enjoy it while it lasts. And I found that to be quite profound advice, but I do things in the polar oposite way of what she said, I sleep and go on here for fun. She also had a conversation with me about a little buletin I posted [basicly it was a short thing saying "no lovey dovey crap or I will hit you" and it was directed at everyone who makes a big deal out of the day], I won't waste your time with that though. And if anyone thinks we should date, don't bother asking, both of us just want to hang out rignt now so don't waste my time asking about it. Well I am going to post a V-Day blog on Myspace later so I will copy it onto here for you guys, I'll type more later.