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Console Wars Part 2

I just copied this from Mysapace because I wrote it, I decided to post it. Comment because I wanna see who aggrees with me on this. Friday, January 05, 2007 Rant's of a DUMB ASS 170 "Console Wars PT 2: who is REALLY ******" Nothing really important, I just enjoyed this. Part 1, see if what I said before rang true 2 Information Sources It is upon us, the new generation and it looks like change is really going to come, from what I have seen Sony is about to lose their Market Dominance, and to all of the Sony Haters I say ******* finaly, and to the nay sayers I say look at all of the times they have ****** up in the last few days, and to Trevor [AKA: The Dark One] I say HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Told ya so! Lets get on with the Rantfest, I have taken the time to play every one of these systems and look at the games for them so I could give an opinion about them, and personaly it seems to be turning out in the way that I would prefer. I will list the system and Games I want for it that are out. XBOX360: The system currently doing the best, with over 9 Million sold in its first year and has already accrued a great library of games for those who enjoy killing **** and are tired of playing nothing but a certain RPG and a certain game where you jack cars and slap people with ***** [Final Fantasy and Grand Theft Auto, Dark ones favorite games by the way]. You may rember me calling the 360 a PC with a Wireless Controler that plugs into your TV instead of a Monitor, and that may be true but every console is turning into a psuedo-PC anyways. I also said that the 360's libray was mostly rehases of other games with better graphics, but it has turned out to be much more than that, the 360 is befoming a Multiplayer paradise for people who love Racing and FPS games, and with a price drop comming soon it will also be cheap and easy to get, and will offer HD Gaming [if you have the money for one of the ******* TV's], Online Gaming and so many good things at an affordable price. The 360 will turn out much better than XBOX [AKA: The Brick] 1 and will pad Bill Gate's wallet even more. I just wish that they could of gotten Backwards Compatability right, at least Sony was smart enough to put Playstation 1/2 parts in PS3 so it could play most of them right away. Games to get: Perfect Dark Zero, Dead Rising, Saints Row, Call of Duty 2/3, Gears of War, Sneak King [it's 4 bucks], Elder Scrols 4: Oblivion, Viva Pinata [why not], Kameo: Elements of Power, Rainbow 6 Vegas. Wii: I am proud to admit that I am one of the first Million and a half/ 2 Million people to own a Nintendo Wii and to have played it for a a long time, my parents got it on December 17th and I got it for Christmas, and let me tell you I hope it win's because even though it is thought of as a little Gimmick, it has changed the way you play games. Currently the Library is not that big since the thing came out 2 months ago, but you should be able to enjoy it, there are also a few good "Classic Games" that you can download for 5,8 or 10 dollars on the Wii, if you have an XP and the Nintendo Wi-Fi Adaptor [I won't count those games in here though], the Wii proved that the Remote was natural and worked well for the games [though the majority of games WILL **** up], the Wii may be a "Gamecube with a Wii-Mote" and have almost NO "Features" that are a necessity today, and have almost no HD Support, but beleive me it will do damn good. And it is 250 bucks so it will make a good console to have if you want to buy an extra one to go with your 360. Hopefully the games won't turn out to be all gimmicy minigames but the ones on there now are quite good. And with Mario, Metroid, Heetseeker and SSBB out soon the horizon is looking bright for Nintendo's little shiny Wii. Games to Get: Legend of Zelda: TP, Trauma Center, Rayman: Raving Rabbids, Warioware, Red Steel, Call of Duty 3. PS3: Sony said that the 360 flew for the Moon but the PS3 flew for the sun, looks like the PS3 has dove straight into the Sun. Sure the PS3 my be the current Multimedia and Hardware king bastard. But the games do not live up to the wallet rapeing price tag. It is true you get the best kind of HD avaliable with the PS3, and you get Sonys crappy new media format with a large storage capability, but at what cost, the 360 and Wii sell at a profit not but the PS3 costs somewhere between 800 and 1000 dollars to churn out, and with all of the shortages Sony is likley to go bankrupt if this fails since they have blown a ton of money developing it. and I do not want to be boring here, but the PS3's are selling out becase there are so few of them out there, Video Game Hardware is huge in sales and they have yet to break the Million Mark [currently on 800,000] while the Wii has around 2 million sold and the 360 has 9 million out there [and many more on the shelves], if Sony can't get enough of them out there no one will make games because most of the Dev's will need around a million games sold to make a freakin profit off of their hard work because of how expensive PS3 games are to make. If the PS3 starts bombing people will move to the 360 and Wii and the PS3 will become another N64, crappy 3rd party games but the people who take the time and use the hardware to their fullest and make great games, they will sell the System. And the PS3 has yet to prove to me that it will be in every house and sell a massive ammount of Systems, and they say that it will have full HD Power but it is scaling quite terribly and even though they got most of the BILLIONS of classic Play Station games [only around 50 games worth getting out of those Billion?], the HD TV's really **** up the picture, at least Microsoft ported them well, but they had to edit the game to make it work. Personaly I hope that the PS3 fails and it takes Sony down, both: to end their arrogance and to piss off Trevor. Games to Get: Resistance: Fall of Man [one game!?] Nintendo DS: Everyone thought this would be a gimmick, but guess what, now it has more good fun silly games out than I can count and there have been around 23/24 Million sold in the 2 years it has been out [more than the Nintendo Gamecube [AKA GayCube by many who did not like the purple lunchbox] in 6 years]. Sadly we live in America and we can't get the billions of *** Hentai "touch" games that WILL be on the DS [beleive me, look at the majority of *** Games and someone is getting ******]. The DS has worse Graphics than the PSP and is somewhere between Dreamcast and N64, but it proved having uber Graphics does not mater to most good gamers. The DS is also getting more Wi-Fi games and more diffrent fun games coming out for it, if you like normal deep games, or some minigames, or text adventures or you just want something diffrent. Buy the DS. Games to Get: Metroid Prime: Hunters, Phoenix Wright 1/2, Trauma Center, Elite Beat Angents [more fun than it looked, funny game], Animal Crossing [shut up], Wario Ware, Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow, Castlevania Portrait of Ruin, Trace Memory, Metroid Prime: Pinball, New Mario Bros, Super Mario 64DS, Mario Kart DS, Final Fantasy III PSP: I saved the worst for last, the PSP is Sony's effort to unseat Nintendo from everything because that the Playstation was the aborted child of Nintendo [the Playstation was meant to be a CD add on for the SNES, but it was dropped], and they tried to do that by making a portable Multimedia Center... OH! and it plays games too! The basic reason that the PSP [in geek speek] Ph@!ls is because it tried to do way too much. And it was also mind bogglingly expensive to do what is intended to have been done with it. You do need a "Memory Stick" [made by Sony of course] and a 1 Gig one cost's around a hundred dollars [must of gone down by now though], and if you want the now almost dropped UMD movies [again, made by Sony] you gotta pay more money to watch a movie with less features, but its a Sony! [as my friend Trevor says], but then again who can really want to watch "Lords of Dogtown" portably. You can rip movies and music off of your computer, but again lot of memory just ATE up by doing that. The main thing that people talk about is the good graphics of the system [think it is between Dreamcast and PS2] and is incredible for a handheld, I still wonder how they made it so small, but it is so flimsy if you drop it, it's dead. If you want games there is not much you can get, saddly most of the games are crapy watered down ports of PS1, PS2 games, the rest are just big hunks of crap. Nuff said. Games to Get: Socom 1/2, The GTA Game and the Final Fantasy game [so I don't get flamed], Killzone. What I would rate the Systems at launch. 360: 7, Wii: 7, PS3: 5, DS: 6, PSP:4 What I expect to have rated the Systems at the end of their life 360: 9, Wii: 9, PS3:6, DS: 8, PSP: 3 What I expect Sales to be at the end of lifespan. 360: 40/60 Million Wii: 55/70 Million PS3 5/10 Million [if it does not take off] or 20/30 Million DS 80/105 Million PSP 20/25 Million Final Summary statements on the Systems. 360: A GREAT System for those who like Online gaming and FPS games, very affordable. Wii: A lot of promise and I expect to see games that make a great use of the Remote to make more innovative games. PS3: High hopes were had [even by me at the start], but failed to live up to those expectations and burnt a hole into your wallet, wait for a price drop. DS: Innovative handheld with 2 Screens and a Tocuc screen that proved upping the pretty pictures is not all that matters, people want more fun games. PSP: People thought it would kill Nintendo, but it is being kiled by the DS 5:1 in sales and is too expensive for a Handheld system, also too flimsy for anyone under 12. I may of been hard on Sony, but they have lost my trust, I am a person who plays all consoles, but I serriously hope Sony dies this time. This time I am Wii-60 like I was Game-Box [Game Cube, X Box] last time. Let's just hope that in 2011 [when they will probaly die] everything went well and plenty of good games came out