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Dakota Faning's Rape Scene in a Movie

I am listening to Sean Hannity right now and I just heard this on his show, a 12 YEAR OLD ACTRESS Is going to be "raped" in a scene in a movie, it is simulated but am I the only one who thinks this is disgusting? Sean aggreeswith me, he was talking about Child Actors like Danny Bonaduche [Partrige Family?] and Lindsay Lohan who started out good but are now... really screwed up. I can't beleive Miss Fannings parents are letting her do this, it is shocking that anyone would WANT her to do it. I also heard that Alan Colmes [the Liberal partner for the Conservative Hannity on "Hannity and Colmes"] said that "If you beat up  a few kids on a street is it Art?". He is right and please everyone, when "Hound Dog" [I think that is the title of the Movie] comes out please don't go, and to Dakota's parents, please get that movie Shut down and get you Daughter taken out of there, beleive me I know this stuff, even simulated Rape is traumatising, and it is scary that anyone would want the little girl to do that.