Myspace Rants Number 59 [posted March 17 2009]
by Darth-Revan45 on Comments
[Note] I wrote this after my disgust with a new comercial from Verizion wireless which had a guy with a Razr insulting a guy with a "lame" cellphone, Also this is my newest one and is way better written than the first one. I hate how stupid we are geting with technology. In a previous Rant I mentioned needing a Plasma Tv, Satelite Tv or some stupid ass transfer box to watch TV in 2009. I do not even need to say how ####### much that will waste our money. I also hate the Razr phone or as I call it "#### enhancer", I beleive anyone who buys a lot of expensive gadgets is comphensating for god dealing them a bad hand. Sorry if you are gigantic and jave a Razer phone [sarcasticly] god bless you. Also all of the #### in cell phones, internet, video games, V Cast[Ugghh], anal thermonetors, phazers, brain transplanter. I rember when we had cell phones with out this #### in em and we should go back to that. And the I Pod or "Screw the CD companies I wanna not pay them" [I know that sucked] it is taking money out of the Artists and it holds 1000 songs, one ####### thousand songs I can not think of 100 songs so how the #### could I need 1000 songs. All this technology is ####### me off and I cant wait till the year 3000 when all of it explodes like it should of in 2000.