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Something I writ for English please comment on it

Alright, this is a Memoir I wrote on there which is based on what happend to you before, I didnt want to be boring so I wrote about what I have done on The "War at Home" Fourm and made it into a protest instead of just being on my computer insulting the fans, please comment [notice my Grammar is much better in here]. I also left the disclaimer at the end in there.

“Fox’s Worst Mistake Ever”
 Joe B- Period 1, 8-31-06

At the home of Joe around 7:00 on a Monday he was watching TV. He is 15 year’s old with short brown hair who wears a Army Camo hat, and Shades he bought at the Dollar Store. He was watching on his old TV from 1987 covered in wooden paneling with broken speakers and the picture has taken a reddish tint, but TV’s were too much money so he didn’t replace it. He was waiting for one of his favorites shows “Arrested Development” possibly the only smart comedy on Fox [the idiot network, concerning their comedy]. But then he heard these words.
    “Arrested Development” has been canceled because our viewers brains are too small to comprehend the subtle comedy in this show, stay tuned for America’s number one show ‘Marry a Midget’ only on Fox!”
Joe became enraged at the fact that a comedy with so much potential to become a hit was taken off of Sundays and replaced with The “War at Home” was taken down by Fox after only 3 short seasons and 50 episodes. He and several other fans of “Arrested Development” went to Fox’s Corporate Headquarters, and they were joined by Fans of “The Office” which airs on NBC who told them that it is because of “Arrested Development that they even got “The Office”. They began chanting for Fox to bring back “Arrested Development” when fans of the idiotic show “The War at Home” arrived with their slack jawed, unibrowed, toothless grins and pants showing the bulge of Adult Diapers. Then they began chanting.
    “War at Home funny, me likey Dave show remind me of me.”
Then one of the fans held up his diaper yelling,
    “Look I got Chocolate!”
this caused a considerable amount of laughter from the “Intelligent” people even as the idiot continued to drag him self further by yelling out.
    “This ain’t not chocolate, it taste like me doggie droppings.”
The smart people began contemplating the fact that Fox’s shows cause brain damage or that all of those people were shaken as baby’s, and after seeing one of them trying to eat a fire hydrant and getting sprayed with water while drinking it proved the fact the “The War at Home” REALLY is for people who seldom use their brains. Joe was laughing while he rallied his friends to break into Fox and make them put the show back on the air after knocking out all of the armed guards in black suits armed with machine guns. They were prepared to kill anyone who got in the way of Fox’s plan to turn brains into mush with idiotic comedy. Unlike Fox News, which is for the smart Republicans of the world, and contains one of the best shows ever made “Hannity and Colmes”. The fact that these fans were allowed to walk the streets was a testament to the fact that America has too much freedom, even for people who in other countries would be used as Court Jesters for evil Dictators. But then the owner of Fox, Rupert Murdock came out onto a balcony followed by a throng of armed guards prepared to kill all of the protesters.
    “Hiel Rupert!”
    “Attention War at Home Fans, it is time to begin, we are going to take over the country using our “superior” intellect and rid the world of intelligent TV that way all of the other Major Networks will be gone!”
Joe and the others finally realized it. The Fox network had been taken over by evil beings. It is the only explanation for how their Reality shows have remained on the air lowering the American IQ; it is the only reason Paris Hilton could of ever gotten a TV Show. They knew what they had too do they had too destroy the building. Joe led the Office and Arrested Development fans to knock out the War at Home fans; they did not expect that the fumes coming off of their diapers would create a mustard gas like toxin more potent than pouring Anthrax into an Air conditioner. The War at Home fans seemed to enjoy the smell, perhaps they have developed immunity. The stench was unbearable, but using stored Gas Masks [must be ready for anything] they were able to overpower the War at Home Fans. They then administered brain shocks to restore brain function, which made them morph into “Normal People”; the leader then spoke to them.
    “My god what have we done… brothers we must join them to make up for our misguided ways, everyone throw your used diapers at Rupert Murdock,” he exclaimed.
They began throwing the diapers, apparently the “8 to 10 pounds” limit didn’t take place here because it looked like they had 20 pounds in them, or perhaps it is the fact that they were Adult Diapers. Then Rupert began screaming.
    “Dear lord! What am I feeding you people! You have betrayed me, and for that you will pay,”
he said. His soldiers began firing syringes that appeared to have a mutagen inside them, the one that was used to make the “War at Home Fans” Joe knew what he had too do, he grabbed one of the ones that fell on the ground and threw it into Rupert Murdock. He began transforming and then he turned into a monstrosity, a “War at Home Fan” and he even took on the wardrobe of one of them, he spoke poorly compared to how he did before, and then he started talking again.
    “Oh no… I’ve been turned into one of them, help me,” he exclaimed.
Joe began chuckling as he jumped into where the diapers were and began eating them in an effort to escape his fate, but then a fire appeared and Dave Gold the main character of “War at Home”, a man more racist then Archie Bunker, cheaper than Al Bundy, more unfit to be a parent than Peter Griffin he had it all, he is even hated by fans of the show, and he began to speak.
    “Attention losers… I am your king now, bow before me or I will make you stare at my hauntingly beautiful face [people began laughing uncontrollably at this] now silence its time to watch every “War at Home” episode ever made constantly on this 5000 foot Screen, if you refuse it has also been beamed into your TV’s instead of the… shows you normally watch."
He had drawn the line; Joe threw one of the remaining diapers onto Dave Gold’s head. It seemed like even evil can’t even handle that kind of stench. He then transformed into a dark red figure. It appeared that Dave Gold is Satan and he messed up Fox, then Joe threw one of the diapers into his mouth, he then instantly made him explode. Satan was gone; peace was upon the earth now. And Arrested Development was back on the air, and all of the terrible Sitcoms were canceled.                  

                                    The End

This story was based upon events in the TV.Com Forums in the “War at Home”, “Arrested Development”, “Late night with Conan O’Brien” and “Saturday Night Live” Forums. 85 Percent of what the “War” fans were depicted as is what they were called on there, as was calling Dave Gold Satan and all of the insults towards Fox. This is here so I am not proclaimed as a liar.