Top 10's
Tv Shows
1-Classic Simpsons
2-South Park
3-Arrested Development
5-My Name is Earl
6-Married... With Children
7-The Office
9-Family Guy
10-Whose Line is It Anyway
Video Games
1-Perfect Dark [N64 2000]
2-Resident Evil: 4 [GCN 2005]
3-Legend of Zelda: Ocarna of Time [N64 1998]
4-Super Smash Bros: Melee [GCN 2001]
5- Final Fantasy VII [PSX 1997]
6-Super Metroid [SNES 1994]
7-Unreal Tournament [PC 1999]
8-Soul Callibur III [PS2 2005]
9-Halo [XBOX 2001]
10-Super Mario 64 [N64 1996]
Game Series [types]
1-The Legend of Zelda
3-Super Mario Brothers [exculding the sports games]
4-Resident Evil
5-Final Fantasy
7-Soul Callibur
9-Starwars Knights of The Old Republic
10-Call of Duty
1-Blue Collar Comedy Tour
2- South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut
3-Star Wars Saga
5-Larry the Cable Guy Health Inspector
6-Animal House
7-Billy Madison
8-Black Sheep
9-Happy Gilmore
10-Final Fantasy: Advent Children
1-Robin Williams
2-Dennis Miller
3-Chris Rock
4-Blue Collar Boys [I count the 4 of them as one person]
5-Eddie Murphy
6-Richard Pryor
7-Adam Sandler
8-Jim Gaffigan
9-Drew Carey
10-Jerry Seinfeld
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