I suppose that were going for that when they created SW: The Old Republic. Sadly, MMO games don't have the same feel as Oblivion and Skyrim. If executed well, I agree that a single-player (or perhaps co-op), truly open-world SW game would be terrific.
@Hvac0120 Kinect movement recognition works fine for certain kinds of games... the kinds of games I like to play with my young kids. The fact that they are finding ways to use Kinect in games for gamers is just icing on the cake. Also, in some "real games," Kinect has been successfully used for more than just VR. For example, the motion capture in Forza 4 does a great job of panning the camera within cars. This is very helpful in when cornering. I wouldn't buy a Kinect just for VR, but for those of us that already have one and at times use it for its main purpose, these small additions to so many games is making the investment look smarter all the time.
Darth-Talon's comments