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Zombie Lords - MTG Black Deck

Finally, my Zombie deck is complete! Zombies are my favorite (and one of the best IMO) tribals out there in MTG. My Zombie deck focuses mostly on big zombies (being pumped from all the lords) crushing any resistance.

The Deck List:

2x Gempalm Polluter

4x Lord of the Undead

4x Soulless One

2x Call to the Grave

4x Cemetery Reaper

4x Death Baron

4x Undead Warchief

2x Phage the Untouchable

4x Festering Goblin

3x Zombie Master

2x Consume Spirit

4x Doom Blade

2x Unholy Grotto

1x Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth

1x Polluted Mire

16x Swamp

This deck seems pretty decent. I might, however, end up getting atleast some Corpse Harvesters and swap them in for the added bonus of searching for a zombie and a swamp. I would have had 4 Unholy Grotto's and 4x Call to the Grave's, but it all came down to money. Other than that, this deck seems pretty stable; it has quite a few win conditions.

Win Conditions:

1. Overrunning opponents with huge zombies (Lord of the Undead, Death Baron, Undead Warchief, and Cemetery Reaper being the pumping cards; throw in a Zombie Master and Urborg and all of them are unblockable)

2. Phage the Untouchable's instant win effect (Since Phage in NOW a zombie, she gets all the bonuses from the above pumpers, and with Zombie Master and Urborg, she will be unblockable like all the others)

3. Life losing spells (Consume Spirit and Gempalm Polluter can get really annoying and deadly later on in the game; especially since with Lord of the Undead or Unholy Grotto, I can cycle Gempalm Polluter, bring it back with said cards, and cycle it again)

Overall, this deck seems pretty decent. One weakness that I can see would be removal cards (such as Celestial Purge or Oblivion Ring) since I don't have any counter or enchanment destruction. But other than that, I think this deck will do well. We'll see soon, I'll be back later to post about the results after I use this deck against my friends. ;)