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DarthMstrChf Blog

This Week in Gaming

Hey Guys! It's been a while since my last blog post, and yesterday I finished Too Human, so I thought: Why not?

Alright, so Too Human is probably the most talked about game right now, and there are a lot of swaying opinions on it. For Example, most sites are saying 5, 6, 7, while most players are saying 7, 8, 9. So now that I finsihed it, I'll give you my two cents on it.

Too Human is a pretty good game, but it could have been better. I mean, when your playing it, you want to scream 'What the f#%$! a couple times. Here are a few examples:

1. Combat on any surface that isn't flat, such as a stairwell, is just plain horrible. Baldur doesn't understand the concept of angles. Half the time, you'll be atacking a piece of cement while one goblin could kill you. Very frustrating.

2. The camera. nuff' said.

3. The story is really good... right before the credits roll. So I guess Too Human follows the time-honored tradition of having a cliff-hanger ending when it's a first game in a trilogy a la Assasin's Creed.

So with all of these issues, Too Human actually feels half-finished. They must goof off a lot over at Silicon Knights, because they certainly had enough time.

So finaly I want to talk about Mercs 2. I can not wait until Sunday, because I'm definently gettin that game. Nothing will be safe. ONe of the things I'm gonna do is put C4 on every building in a city and watch the fireworks. BANG BANG!

My top 5 Bands

Okay, so its been a while since i've posted in my blog, but i thought, why not. So here are my favorite bands!

5. Arch Enemy

Formed in '96 by Michael Amott anf Johan Liiva, Arch Enemy is a Swedish Death Metal band. Their debut album was called Black Earth, released by Wrong Again Records, obtained a fair amount of success, but was more popular across the pond in Japan. Figures. Arch Enemy gained popularity over the years, with new bassists and vocalists, but finally peaked in 2001 when vocalist Angela Gossow took over. There latest album is entitled Rise of the Tyrant, though my favorite song by them has to be We Will Rise on Doomsday Machine. For more info check out their official site at

4. Rise Against

Rise Against is an American hardcore band from Chicago Illinois. Formed in '99 by members of 88 Finger Louie, they produced a self demo/EP called transitor revolt. By the time they recorded Siren Song of the Counter Culture, the band had gone through several members and record labels. The next year they composed The Sufferer and the Witness, which has my favorite song, Prayer of the Refugee, which was featured in Guitar Hero III as a bonus song. Before producing their latest album, Appeal to Reason, the band toured with My Chemical Romance and backed up Billy Talent. For more info see

3. My Chemical Romance

An American rock quintet formed recently in 2001, My Chemical Romance's debut album, I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought me Your Love, was released in 2002, when the band was signed to Eyeball Records. The next year they signed with Seprise Records and Released Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge in 2004. The album was a commercial success, and they followed it up with their most popular record, The Black Parade. Featuring several hit singles. Frontman Gerad Way said they are currently working on an album that is 'a return to punk rock'. For more info, check out


Insanely popular British rock band Muse was formed in 1994 in Teignmouth, Devon in '94. They blend many forms of rock and techno to make a new form called New Prog. Muse is known best for their visually dazzling performances and was the first group to ever sell out the newly buit Wimbly Stadium in London in 2007. They have released four albums thus far: Showbiz, Origin of Symmytry, Absolution, and the most recent and most successful, Black holes and Revelations. The album earned them a third place finish in the NME albums of the Year list for 2006. To learn more about this awesome band, visit

1. Avenged Sevenfold

Here it is, my favorite band of all time. Avenged Sevenfold. This rock band from Huntington Beach, CA was formed in '99. Their first album, Sounding the Seventh Trumpet, was released while the band members were 18 and still in high school. This first album was more death metal than their later ones. Their mainstream success came from the two albums City of Evil and Waking the Fallen. In 2006 they completed a world tour and in 2007 performed as a support band for Iron Maiden. In 2008 the band appeared at the Gods of Metal '08 tour. Their lead guitarist Synyster Gates is pretty much the coolest guy ever, and his awesome guitar parts in Seize the Day and Afterlife make them my favorite songs. As always, visit for all of your A7X needs.


Sorry for the inactivity, I've just been to busy playing COD4 to review anything or post in the forums or in my blog

360 in Da' House!

Whew! I Finally got a 360!!!! I paid for half of it and my parents paid for the rest of it for my b-day!. Currently the only game I have is Halo 3, but it's freakin' awesome!!. Due to complications, I don't have LIVE yet, but my gamertag should be up soon. Got to go play!!!!


Hey everybody! Two days ago I took it upon myself as a gamer to pick up Super Smash Bros. Brawl for the Wii. Boy am I glad I did. Brawl is my newest video game addiction, and possibly my favorite. Go buy it now!

Lot's of people complain about it deserving a perfect 10. However, I disagree. GS's rating is quite right, and I agree with it 100% for once. My full review will be up soon. Another issue that people complain about is the lack of third party characters. While it would have been nice to see Master Cheif, Laura Croft, and Mega Man in Brawl instead of a few other worthless characters (Olimar and the ice climbers), the roster is pretty good.

Well, I'm going to go play it. See ya'll!

Dazed and Confused

Alright, I know I've ranted about this alot, but there is seriously a problem with GS firing people. If this keeps up, GS is going to have some serious problems. I won't explain my whole idea on this again, so if you want to hear it, check out my other posts. Instead, I'll predict whose going to go next:

Ryan McDonald

I don't think Ryan actually writes reviews or previews, but he does host On The Spot and Tournament TV, so he has to be doing what he's doing the way CNET wants him too. Either way, soon GS will be kissing him goodbye.

Kevin Van Ord

Kevin Van Ord is my new favorite GS employee, now that everybody else is gone. His reveiws and video reviews are great. He'll be folowed by...

Jasin O'Campo

Jasin's climbing the ladder too now that everyone else is gone. I can't really think of anything great Jasin's done, but he's going to be gone soon too.

* One of the users I'm tracking (WeeManDo)'s blog hints that O'Campo is already gone. Is He?

Games I want 1.0

Hey guys. This is going to be the first in a series of blog posta about games I want.

The reason I can't buy these games is because, well, I'm broke. I gave and am giving all of my money (about $200 U.S.) to my parents so then can get me a 360 for my birthday, which is next month.

Well, here it is:

Wipeout pulse.......................PSP

Warahmmer 40,000: Squad Command.....................PSP

Sins of a Solar Empire...............PC

Medieval II: Total War................PC

* only including games that are out on platforms I own

GAMESPOT employees dropping like flies.

Wow. Now Ryan Davis is fired. I didn't even like him very much, but I'm worried about this one. Gamespot has to be pretty stupid to continue firing people like this. Who do they have left?

My theory:

It all started with Gertmann. He discovered some super secret project that could completely ruin Gamespot. Once the Senior Editors (Cnet) caught on, he got booted. The others started catching on, and their getting the boot as well

Is it True? Probably not, but it's the only thing I can think of. Or they could just be mad because Gertmann got fired so they're quitting. Although, their is one peice of evidence that helps my theory. Gertsmann is still a member of Gamespot. A plus member at that. Now if I were him, and I got fired over a review (which I doubt he did) I would be pretty P.O.'ed at GS.

Well there's my thoughts on it. I still can't beleive Gertsmann got fired over a review, when their have been so many others that say way worse about a game then he did.

My Call of Duty 4 Experience

Untill recently, I thought that Halo 3 was better than Call of Duty 4 any day, but now my opinion is reversed. I went to my friend's house to play the PS3 version, and I came home stunned. The game was simply incredible. Now I know why Call of Duty 4 is goty, or at least it should be. See my review for more info.
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