Yes, people overreacted in comments. Yes, most of them were ludicrously exaggerated crying over a game that's not out yet. Yes, reading them is absolutely hilarious.
However, making these videos solely to make fun of people who comment on their reviews seems pretty childish, especially the way that they present them. What little respect I had for this site went down the drain when they started doing these. Seems like something a 12 year old YouTuber angry about the "like" bar would do.
But hey, they get more hits this way, so more power to them.
In my opinion, and this not only goes for graphics, but gameplay (if you really think about it), Halo had lots of shiny guns, vehicles and envirionments, which was awesome. In Halo 2, they tried to make it more realistic, and everything that WAS shiny is now matted, and then in Halo 3 they perfected it by making things shiny AND realistic. Yay! Also, Xbox 360 (or any console for that matter) will never have better graphics than PC. Its simply not possible. With the rig i have (dell xps 710 quad core nvidia 8800) xbox doesn't stand a chance. If they did, the Xbox would be huge (sizewise) Halo 3>Halo>Halo 2
DarthSamus' comments