I play PC pretty much all the time (my brother spends more time on consoles) but I can safely say PS3 was a mistake in purchasing. My bro agrees. We never play it, it just sits there. Heavenly Sword is OK but gets very boring very fast. Xbox 360 and Wii are very close in playing time, if it wasn't for Wii Sports Xbox would take the cake. Once Brawl comes out though, the Wii playing time will skyrocket. Also, the fact that i got Assassins Creed for Xbox and not PS3 probably has a little effect...
Um, Kingqaz? how the hell did i get on your little "wall of shame"? I'm never even on. "...kingmickey2, DARTH-SAMUS...." Is there a different one with a hyphen or what? ANYWAYS... Super Smash Bros. Once that's on it i'll prolly get a Wii points card and actually use VC.
I actually don't like the Command and Conquer series. I own A TON of RTSs and I love Supreme Commander. C&C just doesn't do much for me. The oldest I still play is probably Galactic Battlegrounds. I have many older ones, but I don't play 'em anymore.
I dont care about Gamespot anymore..... I feel like protesting the review. This has been said before, and I will say it again, Jeff seems completely biased toward Wii in general.REVOLUTIONfreak
Don't you mean biased toward Xbox 360 or PS3? I think it should have gotten much better.
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