I actually think Steam could be the future for PC gaming. I was once deadly against Digital Distribution, but when they were selling the Orange Box for about £6 on steam for a weekend, I had to get it, and I realised about its benefits. First you don't need to install all the games, you can just keep them on your account. Secondly I don't think there are install limits. Thirdly although it has very good DRM its far less invasive. One of the smaller points I like is that it will auto update your games and you won't need a disc to play it. I think Steam works well against piracy, is less invasive than DRM for physical copies and doesn't limit the players options with the game. I just don't see the point in physical copies of PC games, it install the entire disc contents on your HDD anyway and they now come with limiting DRM which limits installs for example which defeats the purpose of having a physical copy. Plus I think a service like steam is now beneficial to the consumer and is fairer on the developers. Piracy on the PC is far too rampant to not use a service like steam. It just needs more support from developers and publishers.
All these arrogant statements and Sony's attitude are really pushing the "Too little, Too late" button. Just because they are market leaders, it doesn't mean they should act like they are the only real choice. If they just set their arrogance aside, they would be astoundingly more powerful now, and no one could doubt it. People say the Xbox brand isn't as popular and their not making the same impact. But remember that when the PS brand was established, the only real competitors were Nintendo and Sega and a small limp market. Microsoft is doing well considering they are growing the Xbox brand in a market where Sony almost monopolizes it. And while Sony are busy acting as arrogant as Nintendo did with the N64 (leisurely delaying it and acting like there is no competition), the Xbox brand is quickly growing and using all their power to do so. To be honest I don't see Sony's PS3 as a true threat to Microsoft's Xbox 360 for at least another year. Until development of games speeds up and the console and game costs come down for the PS3, because at the moment they only have the brand to fall back on while Microsoft has no shortages and a load of games on the way, many great ones out by Christmas. This sounds biased but its not meant to be, ideally I would like to see a market joint led by Microsoft and Sony purely because they will push each other to work hard instead of the laziness and arrogance that comes with the title of market leader.
Darth_DuMas' comments