My house doesn't have AC so my 360 for the past 2 summers, has had to endure 90 degree temps. No problems yet!!! The real problem I think is when the 360 doest have good ventelation. Temps don't matter but airflow does. nikolajz1
[QUOTE="sonicare"]That's how GS stays in business and provides you with all these services and content for free.DeeJayInphinity
I know but they could try to be less intrusive
They get paid more for the intrusive ads. Ads that stay still at the bottom or the top aren't as valuable to advertisers because it's easy to ignore them.. That Sprite ad seems to have done a great job seeing as you 1: Noticed it 2: Posted about it (you even named the advertiser) and 3: Got me to talk about the ad too.
is that the one that covers the entire page and blanks out pictures and replaces them with sprite logos???
Yeah, i think its becoming a bit too much....i cant even come on this site on my phone because its to overrun with advertisements and takes a billion years to load
Sorry can't tell you and hell no it's not my weight! I'm not that fat lol. It's not an important number to you but it means something to me. That's alldefiant3279
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