Is the PSP getting boring? Yes, but so is the DS, PS3, Xbox360, and the Wii. 1st quarter of the year is always kinda lackluster, sure there is a gem here and there but in most's pretty barren out there. This is the time of year I look through the budget titles to see what ones I missed :DGemini_Red
Then that means you own all PS3, Xbox 360 and the Wii? Well, I myself could of bought all 3 this fast, but no I'd rather buy one by one so it doesn'y get boring that fast. :P I still dont have the PS3 I might buy it later on. But, the games keep on comming, for GBA that IMO is bad, there are still games comming out, for every platform I believe. So just keep on buying the games you don't have and sell the games you've already passd, that is my method of being a gamer.
It's like a continuous cycle for me, I buy games pass em and sell em. Then buy more games pass em sell em. :D
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