can't believe my comment was taken down because it was irrelevant but THIS whole article is irrelevant to gamespot! well, wait, considering the fact they fired the last real reviewers ... well this isn't irrelevant then!
oh wait sorry yeah I vote for Mass Effect 2, this game is gunna win or even starcraft 2 or diablo 3 , or every other single game on this planet (including big rigs )wins
ahah from what I'm seeing people think that microsoft powered systems are the best ahahah. this is uniquely wonderfuly crapaload. that's right people vote me down
gamespot praising windows 7 ? okay now first the MGS super biased goty and now this? windows 7 is shyte! c'mon!!!!!!!! this is A GAMING SITE! and directx 11 is bulls***
Darthnaevus' comments