I just love how some people are bashing crysis and ps3/xbox 360 still say though that crysis has the best graphics
Darthnaevus' forum posts
1:Half-life and Half-life :OpFor
2:Mass Effect
4:jedi outcast (jedi academy was also very good)
5:Roller Coaster tycoon
*drools at johnny27 screenshots* and agrees that crysis is the most realistic game and that bioshock has the best art!
i need more factual evidence elpresador plz enlight our ignorance
im surprised nobody said crysis :shock:
I will say it though: crysis=best sandbox game, if you have the pc for it that is :S
I'll just start this thread by saying that gamespot's overall quality has been on a steady downfall over the couples of last months and I am seriously disappointed at the lack of maturity and respect users are showing in about every single situation. Everybody is just calling names here and there, which I find completetely annoying for a site renowned for its prestige (and quality) in reviews and the such, and seeing dumb comments about people isn't helping. But giving a game 10 on 10 (and I'm not pointing any here) is just wrong.... There is no such thing as a perfect note when it comes to game, that is absolutely impossible. Perfection is out of the world , it is a concept we cannot even grasp. A few years ago (back in 2005), no game ever got close to that number, and I agree. Even though games where probably at the same level as they were today (I am not talking technically ). And then there are the "Best of" awards... I wasn't pissed at the results because the games I liked did not win, I was pissed at the lack of consistency and accurateness of the explanations given by the editors... And what better way to explain than an example! In best graphics, technical, the game that won was Solid Snake, and the explanation gamespot gives points out animation , texture details and um, more animation? Have you guys ever read the specs of the CryEngine 2 in Warhead ? Polybump mapping? real-time physics supporting cloth, fluids, ragdolls and the like? Real time per pixel lighting? Volumetric smooth shadow implementation? And it can run at maximum details on a PC at about the same price as the PS3? Call me a fanboy, but Guns of the patriots' graphics engine doesn't have that. So I am calling over your impartiality here.
Another thing that itches is the constantly growing number of content non-related to video games, like that March Madness article:http://www.gamespot.com/features/6206249/index.html?om_act=convert&om_clk=newsfeatures&tag=newsfeatures;title;1 , I'm sure a lot of americans like to see that kind of article. But let's be objective. Is this a sports news website? No. Are the editors experienced sports analysts? I don't think so. They are reviewing VIDEO GAMES. And consider that some of your readers are from outside of the US, and usually us non-americans don't follow your sports events.
That said I would like to say I know I am not speaking for the majority, but I am a passionate gamer and I love video games as much as I hope you do.
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