Gamespot Game Night
by Dat_Boi_SiLo on Comments
Just left the first ever Game Night playing
. I have to say it was fun and i hope as it gets more popular.. more and more people will join. Nest stop... Unreal 2003!!! o yuh!
I've come to the conclusion that Burning Crusade will make or break World of Warcraft. When I first started playing World of Warcraft, about a year ago, it’s was amazing, I loved it. Now, this whole honor pvp system suck, yes they should have just made the pvp gear better. The world LFG channel was way better than this new thing now. I mean I have lvl 17s doing WC? Wtf? Blizzard you better would BC will live up to its hype. If not… this is the end for world of warcraft.
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