...Or,I wish I could pass out right here...I don't think I could be more tired....I was up until 5 fricking AM last night trying to iron out the bugs in this fricking software project from hell....C++,how do I loath thee?,let me count the ways...And with Patchi and Mu5k0's 10K post parties yesterday,I was pooped by 10PM,not to mention scarred! :P
3 hours of sleep on a sofa that's too short for you would make anyone cranky,but enough about that....Thank God it's almost Christmas...sleep,precious sleep...and turkey,precious turkey...and,um...presents,precious presents!...
Wow,I don't sound materialistic at all,do I.....
And let us not forget,Winter-een-mas is just around the corner too...All Hail Ethan,King of Winter-een-mas...
What a pointless blog post....alas,poor brain,I knew him well....
the Arcade Fire-Rebellion(Lies)
"Sleeping is giving in,no matter what the time is.
Sleeping is giving in,so lift those heavy eyelids.
People say that you'll die faster than without water.
But we know it's just a lie,scare your son and scare your daughter.
People say that your dreams are the only things that save ya.
Come on baby in our dreams we can live our misbehaviour..."