Lazy? It takes more work to put together a CG trailer than some gaming montage circa youtube. That said I really like the Bioshock reborn trailer. It showed what the game play was like during the CG trailer.I don't see why CG is still so popular for video game commercials. Most games' graphics look well polished, so there is really no reason why CG is needed. It is laziness on the part of a game developer to create a CG trailer. Instead, why can't it wait until gameplay is actually there before giving its audience a trailer? This is how many games get canceled (i.e. The City of Metronome, The Outsider, Fahrenheit 451, etc.).
Davedude666's forum posts
Weird thing. i used to play it inverted, I know this because when me and my friends got together they'd always heckle me. But now that I think about it, I now exclusively play it normal. I think I might have subconciously given in to peer pressure.
I enjoyed the live action resident evil movies because thry tried to take it in a different direction than the videogems. This may sound stupid but hear me out. With a new storyline, you get new characters blending with old ones and a new storyline to keep you guessing. Without the suspense resident evil is kinda boring. That said the CG resident evil movie sucked, but i thoroughly enjoyed the Silent Hill movie.
However, I'd choose movie games over game movies.
I know this will come as a surprise, but I really enjoyed playing Constantine for the PS2. I did like the movie, so I guess other people who didn't like the movie might not like it. I guess I just enjoyed the solid third person action, unique and interesting weapons, and the somewhat decent story.
I know this is going to piss some people off, but i'd almost like dragon age to have a control scheme more similar to oblivion. I'm just not a fan of the whole uber strategy thing. And playing it on casual makes the combat boring. I had no problem with the accents.
The farsight from Perfect Dark
It's not really an overkill weapon, but it's so easy to use, and incredibly cheap. I mean it's a one hit kill sniper that allows you to see and shoot through walls. Oh yeah and if you hold b it locates targets for you and centers them on the screen. It''s enough to make anyone swear uncontrollably.
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