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#1 Davis4ever3
Member since 2003 • 422 Posts


Recently I found that my Gamespot membership had expired (forgot to change my CC info)

I lost my cheap old GameSpot Complete Membership. It's not a big deal, and I went to get Total Access

But I noticed that I lost all of my Emblems. Is this new? DO you not get Emblems, or have them revoked because you don't pay for a higher level of service?

ANyways, it's not too big a deal. If anyone knows, just post me something. Otherwise, I'll just update this thread if they come back after Total Access

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#2 Davis4ever3
Member since 2003 • 422 Posts

Ok I read some more of your message.

We also have a service here for On Demand movies over IPTV. We basically have servers that you ask for a movie, and it streams it to your receiver. Most of the receivers are very basic, with only ~40MB of RAM and no storage to speak of. Heck, the HD Receivers only have just over 128+MB RAM.

I like your thoughts about the 360 Core system. A user with a Core and a 64MB card could get away with a lot on IPTV.

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#3 Davis4ever3
Member since 2003 • 422 Posts

I didn't really read your whole message (it was too long, lol) We have had IPTV here where I live for over 3 years though. The service had been SD only for a long time, and I guess my community was the first to offer HDTV over IP in North America (woohoo! go Saskachewan, who knew? ) The idea of 500GB of online storage is great..... but.....

The bandwidth needed for receiving dual feeds (ie: HDTV PVR ability) is severely limited on DSL.(I don't even know when my community is getting the upgrade) Your area should be moving to VDSL sometime this year (if it hasn't already) Once you see VDSL, this type of technology is not too far off.