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Lich King's Wrath !!!!

So I'm Writing this because WoW WOTLK (World of Warcraft Wrath of The LICH KING) is really good MMO game. I think Its the best game of the MMO, but its just my opinion. I started to play this game 3 years ago I started To play The Expansion Pack The Burning Crusade, But then after few years I started to play WOTLK. Recently I went on Some Raids (its a thing part of WoW). To kill bosess with my Guild Mates. There are many charackters But my favourite IS the one and the only one there ever will be - The Lich King ARTHAS MENETHIL. Oh and there are many Races in that game, but I play most The Horde Charackters. There are Horde And Alliance. In these well i dunno how to call them lets call it opposing forces there are diffrent charackter. I play most as the Ork. So I think Its the best MMO GAME OF ALL TIME. I love it.

My Score is Ultimate 10 out of 10 !!!

Da Ork Boyz.

So yesterday I started to play Warhammer Online. It is good game. I played WoW for two years so this game was easy to get into it for me. In this game there are handful of races Like greenskins chaos elves Empire and of course the mighty Dwarfs. I play as a Greenskin Black Ork. This game is really good so my Score would be 8 out of 10. It is a good MMO.

Dragon Age Origins.

Im Writing this Because game Dragon Age Origins gets people in its world and dont let them out. But Thats good. So I started to play this game One year ago ONE YEAR and I still playing it Now. I completed this game Four times. With diffrent characters. Soon Im gonna start to play Dragon Age Awakening and I think Its Gonna be cool. So I dont Know I would say that this GAME is The best of RPG genres Games of all time. Because when I play It Shiver is on my Back.