So I'm Writing this because WoW WOTLK (World of Warcraft Wrath of The LICH KING) is really good MMO game. I think Its the best game of the MMO, but its just my opinion. I started to play this game 3 years ago I started To play The Expansion Pack The Burning Crusade, But then after few years I started to play WOTLK. Recently I went on Some Raids (its a thing part of WoW). To kill bosess with my Guild Mates. There are many charackters But my favourite IS the one and the only one there ever will be - The Lich King ARTHAS MENETHIL. Oh and there are many Races in that game, but I play most The Horde Charackters. There are Horde And Alliance. In these well i dunno how to call them lets call it opposing forces there are diffrent charackter. I play most as the Ork. So I think Its the best MMO GAME OF ALL TIME. I love it.
My Score is Ultimate 10 out of 10 !!!
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