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Dawndragon Blog

Entry number two: My thoughts on Mass Effect 3 being 'Tweaked'

Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen, as some of you may know, EA is apparently "Tweaking" Mass Effect 3 In an attempt to appeal to a larger audience. How I learned of this: My Reaction, for those of you with no real interest in reading further: Firstly, may I ask Why? Why would you attempt to draw more attention to a franchise within it's conclusion? Unless of course, 'Tis an attempt to generate sales for Mass Effect 1 & 2, but still, You wouldn't attempt to advertise The Ring of the Nibelung within it's closing moments would you? If there is a point within this hypothetical strategy, I'm afraid it eludes me. Secondly, Does Mass Effect even require additional attention? With all the Awards and Accolades that were given to Mass Effect 2, One would think that it's name would be known sufficiently well, I mean it's not exactly as though Mass Effect is rather obscure series, no? Unless... EA is attempting to draw the... Call of Duty demographic, or....casual gamers.... I'm afraid both of those scenarios shall function quite admirably as some Nightmare Fuel. Thirdly, and this is merely speculation, What if EA attempts to "Streamline" the game even further...Actually...Lets....lets not go into that. Well, that's it for this entry, If I have any updates on this particular matter, I'll post them in a new entry... a '2.1' for example. Just out of interest, How is my writing in this entry? Better than the last? Mind shockingly awful? I'm doing this to improve my writing, so knowing it's become slightly better as a result of this would be quite appreciated.

Entry number one: Generic Title Here.

Well, this is my first time on this site, as I'm usually on Gamefaqs, but it appears that by getting an account there, I also have one here... Typing that in plain English was about as easy as structuring a conversation between two time travelling characters, Not very easy, Basically my point by posting this linguistic garbage is the following... 1: I Play games. A Lot. 2: I'm exploring Gamespot. No real reason. 3: I also write fanfiction. And I'm looking to improve my writing through this rather convenient thingamajig, so my Fanfics won't be Linguistic Garbage. Well, I'm not really sure what else I can put..... so.... Well, until next time, Adios.