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Games I still need to buy (7/12/09)

These are the older games that I still want to get. I checked prices with (1)Gamestop and (2)Bestbuy. Some varied and some prices are the 'new' price from Best Buy and the 'used' from Gamestop

F.E.A.R 2 - New:50 Used:45

Mirrors Edge - PURCHASED

Midnight Club:LA - New:40 Used:35

Civilization Revolution - New:30 Used:25

Splinter Cell Double Agent - New:30 Used:13

Dead Rising - New:20 Used:18

Hitman:Blood Money - New: Used:25

Prince of Persia - PURCHASED

The Darkness - New:20 Used:13

Halo Wars - New:60 Used:55

Free $60 gift card to Best Buy

About 2 weeks after getting CoD:WaW my disk broke and would make this awful noise when it was spinning in the tray. I had my mom try to return it but we did not have the ACTUAL receipt just a printout from online that still prves when and where we bought it. After a lot of complaints they sent us a $60 Best Buy gift card. The thing is i used my friends CoD:WaW disk and installed it to my HDD and now my mom won't give me the gift card. I've been trying to convince her to give it to me so i can buy Skate 2 ( i don't feel like wasting my other money, although i do have $90 to Best Buy myself). I somehow need to convince her to allow me to use the gift card to buy Skate 2. My usual hints and such aren't really working.

Gears of War 2!!!

Comes out tomorrow and i can't wait. Although i can't get it until saturday (darn having a life =[). It's going to be wicked sick. campaign = dirty, horde = dirty, XBL = dirty, all the other new stuff = dirty and GOW2 = dirty


Far Cry 2

I rented this game saturday and i have to say it's pretty good. The live is fun and i like the weapon upgrading and ranking systems and all the dif classes. Campaign is a ton of fun (especially sniping) but i can't stand driving for twenty minutes to get to a place where i just kill a bunch of dudes and blow some crap up. That would all be fine if i did not have to drive so far, although i do like the 1st person driving. The graphics in this game are amazing and i like having the ability to chose dif missions and have a variety of weapons. Overall it's a really good game.

Battlefield Bad Company

Got this game not to long ago and i have to say it's great. The campaign had long missions but only 7 all together but it was still fun and worth playing. Live for the game is tons of fun, only problem is some of the maps are just way to big and you find ur self often spawning and immediatley dieing (spawn time is long so u won't like tht). Other than that everything is gr8 and i highly reccomend picking up a copy.

Grand Theft Auto IV

I beleive it is definite that i am going to be getting GTA IV. I was hopng i would b gettin it that tuesday but aparently i wont b going near ne stores that will b selling it. I'm not pre-ordering it though cuz thts just a waste of $. Looks gr8, just wish i had a game 2 play now so i can pass the time.


finally got XBL yesterday and i have 2 say it's amazing. My GT is Dawq902, i'll play w/ u in CoD4, Halo3 or Turok (mayb even rock band) just send me a friend request.

Level down & now no PS2 afficando badge?

I understand y i got leveld down, but now whenever i come on to gamespot my PS2 afficando badge is gone. Did the change the number of games you need in your collection or sumthing,or is gamespt just messed up? Hopefully it will appear back.
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