Daxtermania's forum posts
If only you were like me, and went to Ozzfest for free. xD
Anyway, get the DS.OptimusSurpreme
Dude you went to Ozzfest!?!?!?!? You're so lucky!
[QUOTE="Daxtermania"]Isn't it usual red in stand-by mode? Mine is, I just checked.My Wii was in stand-by mode, and instead of having an orangish light, it was red. But, when I turned it on it was fine. So....what was up with that?
Huh, that's weird, mine's orange.
My Wii was in stand-by mode, and instead of having an orangish light, it was red. But, when I turned it on it was fine. So....what was up with that?
yeah[QUOTE="4dry4n"]the reason being that people want RPgs on the PSp is because there is no good one all are mediocre at most compared to the bigbrother versions.[QUOTE="gokuofheaven"]everyone is so f*k*ng closed minded and their RPGs....for once they try something new and all you people want is ANOTHER rpg...shut uppppppp...gokuofheaven
 yeah i understand...but FF:Crisis Core, FF:Tactics Lion's War...Jeanne D'Arc...plenty more coming out... 1 less FF type of RPG for PSP won't kill you....and not to get off subject..but PSP is a handheld console...RPGs on handhelds?...it really doesnt mix...but i know people STILL want their RPGs "on the go.". .. if that even makes sense... "lemme do a side quest in 10 mins of my bus ride..." ... yeah .. i dont think so... (note: i love rpgs ...before someone starts a flame war).
Well, I almost never get to play RPG's on consoles, seeing as how my brother hogs it all day. So RPG's on handhelds are good for me. But that doesn't mean I never get to play RPG's on consoles, how else could I have beaten VII, VIII, and X?
I can't believe no one can answer this. Yes, you can do that. Press the home key, and then click on "Wii Remote Settings". In that menu there is an option called "Reconnect". Select that, and all of your remotes will turn off. Then you just reactivate the ones you need. And don't let them tell you that it isn't consuming power when you're not using it. It does turn off after a while, but it's pretty common sense that if there is a light lit up on it...it's consuming power.theragu40
All right, thanks man! :D
Ok, i love responding to these questions.
It is a remote, in essence, just like any other remote in your house for the tv or stereo. if you do not use it, then it isn't consuming any power. There isn't an on/off switch or button on it, just liek there isn't on any other remote out there. As soon as you turn the wii off or even if the remote is just sitting there and you turned on the wii on the console itself, you're done and there is nothing else to do or worry about. Now if you use rechargeables in it, then maybe, just maybe, over time(you dont use the remote for days and weeks) it will lose some of the battery power, but that is it.
Ok, I was just wondering if there was any other way besides that to turn it off. Also can you switch what player you are? Like say you're player 2 but want to be player 1.
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