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People are real ass%*^#@ on xbox live

I just recently got xbox live so I can play people online in Super Street Fighter 4. What I learned is that 90% of the people that are on are complete ass^%&^!. They take this stuff to seriously. There were a couple of times that I lost a match only to get a message that I suck or I'm a Dummy. I even got some unskilled player telling me to remove my Ryu gamer pic because I'm not as good as he is. This is only a game not my whole entire life. I have a job, I have bills, I have responsibilities, I am even Married. This is a form of entertainment and is a big hobby of mine. This doesn't control my every waking min of my life. There are people out there that most likely eat drink and sleep playing these online games and have no life. To top it off I noticed that I have 33% of players not liking me for behavioral reasons. How can this be, I never left a game in the middle of a match. I never sent cruel messages to people, and I never ever was an unsportsmanlike person. I'll tell you what it is. Its the people that I defeat probably get so mad that they want to avoid me because there afraid of losing to me. If thats the case then they are not real players for I have lost to many, many players. It's just the way it is. There is always going to be someone better than you. In my conclusion I just like to say that I do enjoy xbox live but there are alot of haters that like to bring down the experience of it all by being very cocky, racial, and unsportsmanlike and for all those people out there that are like that I like to say f#$* all you haters. Thank you please feel free to comment:D

castlevania lord of the shadows update.

Well here we go again. It's Dante's Inferno all over again. Castlevania lord of the shadows comes out tomorrow and I can't wait to get it. The problem I have is what game spot did ( and I know alot of people will agree with me). They already gave it a review and what they said about the review made me almost lose my lunch. They gave the game a 7.5 out of 10 because it plays too much like a god of war title. I am so sick of hearing about how certain games suck because they borrow from other games. All companies do it all the time. It's so hard to find a game that is original these days because if you think about it, it's already been done before. Why does this game lose 2.5 points because of that and to top it off the reviewer had to nit pick on stupid things like the music isn't the same as the original Castlevania or the puzzle are annoying or the characters aren't important in the game. From what I see it looks like a pretty damn good game. I can't believe they did it again. Ohh well it is what it is. I can can go on and on about it and it won't change the rating. I know I will enjoy it. I think it's just funny that out of the 6 online video game sites, 5 of them gave this game a b+ or 9 out of 10's. Kind of makes you think does it???

Castlevania Lord Of The Shadows Is Almost Here

This is just going to be a quick entry. Castlevania Lords Of The Shadows will be coming out in less than a month. (29 days to be exact) I have pre-ordered and paid it off. So far the game is looking pretty sweet. It plays like a God Of War title. ( And I hope the critics don't put this game down because of it.) I watched the demo and what I seen looked promising. The graphics looked good. The action seems great and the sound, well sounded awesome. Hey when one of the voices in the game is Patrick Steward you can't beat that.

It has a good plot that has nothing to do with the timeline in the Castlevania series (Thou they say Alucard has a part in this game).They also said the game is separated into 12 chapters with each chapter having numerous levels with about 20 hours of gameplay. Well there's really nothing else I can say about this game. I just have to wait until Oct 5 ( unless they decide to push this game back like they did with Splatterhouse). When I'm Done with the game I'll try to do a review on this game on my blog. Until then Lets hope for the best. Feel free to comment on this article. Thank you for reading:D

Dragonball Raging Blast 2 Second Thoughts

Let me first start off by saying that I'm a huge Dragonball fan. I have the entire Dragonball Z and GT series and all of the movies. I have most of the original Dragonball series. I even have the live action movie that was crap. Even my screen name has dbz in it. I'm saying this stuff because what I'm about to say should not reflect on how big of a fan I am. I know that I said that I was going to get this game no matter what but the more I read into the article's that come out for the game, The more I don't want it.

First off the game is only going to have 90 plus characters. Tenkaiachi 3 had over 150 characters. The fighting mechanics are going to be mostly the same. They may have one or two new things but thats all. You'll be playing the same fighting game like you did in the first raging blast. I know there is a lot of people that wanted some Gt characters but you can forget that because they already said there not going to put any Gt characters in this game ( but they were nice enough to tell us that maybe in the third raging blast game they'll put them in it.) How can you be talking about another raging blast game when the second one isn't even out yet. Finally The last problem I have is after all that they have the guts to make this game a $60.00 plus tax game. The first raging blast game only cost me $40.00. What every new character that is in this game there going to charge me an extra dollar?

I'm sorry but that was the straw that broke the camels back. I'm not telling anybody not to get this title. If you get this game and you like it then I'm happy for you. I Just don't see me getting this title. I'm very disappointed in this new game. I just feel like The company thats making this game is just making up a quick game so they can make a quick dollar. When are they ever going to make a dragonball game that the fans will like? They should just make a game that the fans want instead of making these half@$$ games that these companies will know that the consumer will buy because they are fans of the series. I think I'm going to stay far away from this title or wait until they drop the price to $40.00 because thats how much this game is worth or better yet I'll wait until they make a Raging Blast 5. That way I'll know that most of the characters will be in that game. Thank you for reading. Feel free to comment on this article:D

My thoughts on the upcoming marvel vs capcom 3 title

Well everyone its finally coming out. After 10 years capcom is finally putting out the next installment to the marvel vs capcom series and I don't know about you but I'm very excited. At this moment they only showed a handful of the characters that are going to be in this game and I must say that most of the characters that they have so far I like. ( Dante's is in the game Yeah!!!!) I like the comic book look that they have going for this game, The sounds and music are pretty sweet, And the level designs are nice with the 3d background artwork. At this moment I am wondering who are the remaining characters left in the game? I hope megaman and akuma are still in this game. I really can't say more about characters until they announce the rest of them to us but I will comment on some of the stuff that bothers me about this game so far.

Well right off the bat I can say that 30 characters is way too short for me considering the fact that they had 56 characters in the last game. Like I said earlier It would be a real disappointment to me if they don't add megaman and akuma. I know that probably alot of people won't really mind not having akuma in the roster and I can deal with that but at least keep megaman. He an important capcom figure and he was in the last 2 games. It would be like taking ryu off the roster, He's another important capcom figure. My last thing that bothers me is that I think there going to add characters on as a dlc and I can't stand that. Sure dlc's are the new thing now but what about the people who don't have online for there systems (Like me), Were going to miss out on some of the new characters.

I mean I don't know if there going to do that but from the interviews that I have been watching it sound like there leaning towards it. Other than that so far I'm really excited for this game to come out next year in the spring. I'm definitely going to get this game. I'm a real fan of the marvel vs capcom series and besides I like any fighting game that has Ryu in it. I'm glad it's coming out, The fans deserve it. I will update this blog as soon as more information of the game comes out. Feel free to post comments about your likes and dislikes of this game. Thank you for reading my comments.:D

Your never too old to be a gamer

This is probably one of the great debates that would always come up from time to time from my wife that I love to death. She could never really understand how a person my age (or older) can still be into video games. She thinks that games are for children. Well video games have been around for sometime now and I can definitely say that it has changed drastically over the years.

One of the earlier games I can remember when I was a child was pong and that was just two lines hitting a dot. Now you have games like the gta series , street fighter series, Red Dead Redemption and the list goes on and on. You get so into these games that you sometimes forget that they are games . Some of these games can look very realistic. There like movies that you can control and your the director.

Some of these games can be very violent and I don't know about you but if I have a child, I really don't want him to see his father rip Johnny cages head off after a bloody battle of Mortal Kombat. Thats why they have a rating system. It's there so that children can't purchase these mature themed games. I know alot of people from my job that play video games and they are all different ages. I can even say that one guy I work with who plays alot of war games like call of duty modern warfare two is in his late 50's and I think thats great.

In conclusion video games are a form of entertainment, a hobby and heck, you can even say its a form of art. The video game industry is changing all the time. There trying to make it where all ages can play games together. A good example is the Nintendo wii and the upcoming kinects motion sensor device. At this moment I'm 29 years old and I love video games even more than I did when I first started playing them when I was 8 and I will always play them until I'm old and gray and I can't move my fingers anymore. Like I said before your never to old to play video games. Thank you for reading.:D

dragonball ragingblast 2

So there making another dragonball game. I cannot lie i am a huge fan of the dragonball series and I'm always looking forward to a new dbz game but my only problems are how many times do they have to put the same 4 sagas over and over again? This new game boasts that its going to have 90+ characters, tenkaichi 3 had over 150 characters. Theres a good chance that there are not going to be any gt characters because japan really didn't like the gt series at all. Hopefully they fix the camera problems that they had in the first game. Another issue i am having with this game is the price. The first game was $40 when it first came out. I looked around online and other websites are stating that the game is going to be around $64.19 , Why because of the 20 extra characters? Ether way I'm still going to buy it when it comes out. Feel free to answer me back with any issues that you might have with this upcoming title.