well lets see. Very slow loading pages. Can't easily find anything. Lost my profile pic and I can't seem to install a new one. Good job Gamespot for Fu%^ing your site up. Sometimes it's best to leave things alone.
Microsoft already confirmed that you don't need to connect your kinect to the xbox one in order to play your games. It's an option. http://home.bt.com/entertainment/games/gamesnewspreviews/now-xbox-one-doesnt-need-kinect-to-function-11363824455459
@COPMAN221ISBACK @DbzJohno that's the price you pay for wanting an xbox one. Sorry but it's hard for me to convert to sony considering having a xbox 360 for almost 10 years. All the games and all the achievements. even thou I'm going to play the xbox one, I'm still going to go back time to time playing the 360. I really don't feel like paying for an xbox live and a psn account. Besides if down the road I do feel like trying out the kinect it will be there so really it's not a loss at all.
@IanNottinghamX @DbzJohno no. Personally I'm not a huge fan of the kinect. It's fun when I'm at my friends house but playing it by myself tends to be boring. Besides after working all day the last thing I want to do is jump around like a slapped ass. I rather sit down and hold my controller and enjoy my game I'm playing.
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