Duke Nukem 3d was fun, but it is really a bad mouthed Doom 2. Duke is a bully, amusing, but not really too far from "Jersey Shore", The Doom 2 marine is a real hero, he have no time for jokes and whores, only death is in his mind, for all hellspawn.
Learning to play is part of the game! I never get into HI games, but I remember Europa Universalis. I spend a lot of time learning the basics, getting really frustated on times. Then, one night everything fall in to place. And it was beautifull. EU is one of the easiest games of "Grand Strategy" from Paradox... They are hard and unforgiving to the weak of hearth. But also are we, the gamers! It is worth your time, you spend one week in exchange of years of fun.
Dwarf Fortress, ADOM, NETHACK, Dominions 3: The Awakening. Those are really epic games, each one of them can destroy your life. If you are more of a mainstream persuassion, Mass Effect 1 & 2 i finished both and feel good about it.
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