Nothing to do with it,a fresh start,but your gonna miss some puns from other games i suggest you get A CRACK IN TIME,its epic!Ratchet_Fan8Supposing I enjoy ToD, I'm sure I'll finish out the Future series (since I'm under the impression Crack in Time finishes the Future story arc). Thanks for the info fellas. Much appreciated!
Deactivation's forum posts
To keep this short, I bought R&C 1 a long time ago for PS2, didn't care for it. It wasn't as good as Jak and Daxter, so i just stuck with Jak for the PS2
Now that Jak is basically done with, I picked up R&CF: Tools of Destruction on Black Friday for an easy $10, figuring I'd give the series a chance again. Having not played Ratchet 1, 2, or 3, will I be behind in the storyline? From what it seems "Future" is a reboot of sorts, so I figure I'll be alright.
Any suggestions, should I go back and try 1 (I own it) get 2 and 3? Or just read a simply backstory, will I be informed in the introduction, etc.
Thanks fellas!
This is great news for the PS3. The PS3 doesn't need an RTS. Keep the RTS' on PC. dream431ca
Yeah! Keep games off your console! That's the smart buisness decision! Let's keep FPS' on PCs as well. Platformers on handhelds! RPGs to Pen and Paper!
God... /rolleyes
(imo not deserved for copy pasting)
Disregard his entire post, for the simple fact he said this. Move along, nothing to see here.
The fastest selling game of all time.
One of the most well recieved games of all time.
Seriously? Some of you all have the lamest excuses to be haters. Play the game and shut the hell up. It's amazing.
MGS is my favorite series, but if you're gonna discredit Grand Theft Auto IV because you're a petty hating douchebag, go play with gasoline and fire.
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