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E3 Is Here...Lots Of Things To Happen....

E3 is here finally...Today is Microsoft's Press Conference and later this week SONY and Nintendo will have some other surprises themselves. But now let's talk about tonight's MS Press Conference, I hope Microsoft has some huge announcements in regards to the prices and obviously some amazing games that will come out later these year, I'm a Microsoft fan and I'm really looking forward to this. What I predict will happen is Microsoft will maybe, just maybe lower the price of the Xbox 360 Elite at least to 400$, and the other versions of the 360 to some lower prices, this will make SONY desperate at least for now, I can't say anything until everything happens, Nintendo? Well, I don't think they'll be THAT desperate and I really don't think they'll lower the price of the Nintendo Wii, being that it's so beliveably cheap, but they might have some pretty nice announcements about some future releases and probably or most likely demos of some of their most anticipated games this year including: Super Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption and Smash Brothers, as for SONY they'll probably talk about Warhawk, Lair, etc..One game that I'm really looking forward to for the PS3 is Little Planet that game and PS Home makes me want to get a PS3 but for now I'm only interested inthe Xbox 360, most of you probably don't agree with me as everybody here seems to be more interested in the PlayStation 3 and the Nintendo Wii, but I don't care.....Now Bill Gates or Peter Moore whoever is going to give the Press Conference had better give us Microsoft fans something worth our while. They better have an announcement saying that the Xbox 360 problems have at least been a little bit solved, because this causes lots of regrets in people's faces(The ones who want to get an Xbox 360), knowing that if they buy an Xbox 360 a few months later it will ''Die'', sure Peter Moore announced 3-Year Warranty but that's not the case the case is that we need consoles that are not faulty and that are efficient in everyone of their functions...Let's all hope this week will be a good week for Xbox 360 owners and future Xbox 360 owners because I don't want to regret gettingan Xbox 360 if I don't see a good line up for the future or any fixture of the problems the console is currently having...I thank you all for having the time to read this and everyone have a great E3....DeadMan1290 out...