So, I love video games, I love my 360 and PS3. I love to sit on my couch for 2-3 hours and enjoy a good campaign, story or match. But, I think people today are losing focus of what a real game should be. And by people I mean developers and gamers in general.
I'm at my local EB Games store and I see all these little kids begging their dads to buy them the latest Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. I watch them with tears of sadness in my eyes as I see games like Uncharted 3, Batman: Arkham City and RAGE being ignored by them. I mean Activision can spend MILLIONS on marketing and advertising but for my $60 I'd rather get Batman or Uncharted instead of a repetitive CoD. I bought RAGE that day and though I found it to be buggy and have some texture issues, I loved the game. It's an FPS yes, but it had a story, weapons, setting, characters and feel different from other FPS'. I liked Call Of Duty up until Black Ops. I loved Black Ops, it was short and out of the Modern Warfare world. But after reading reviews of MW3 and seeing what it offers as a package I feel a deja vu. Yet it sells and my question is why? I find the people who play this and only this makes them amateurs in my view. I don't like the direction it takes because games that have taken longer to develop and more effort put into story, character background and Single Player campaign are either ignored or simply get shelved and price is lowered and they don't sell as much as you would expect them to and then no more sequels or support for that game from the developer because it didn't sell as much as it was expected to sell.
I don't like this and actually I'm kind of glad that MW3 is having a negative impact amongst gamers that way Treyarch and Activision can maybe focus on making something new. I mean stick with the FPS but make a new IP or something. Modern Warfare was fun and good while it lasted but it's time to move on now.
I'm not trashing CoD or anything I just think it's time for people to enjoy something else. I know I do. I don't regret missing out on MW3 and playing RAGE or Uncharted 3 because they're great games that are worth my money and time.
I don't want the video game industry to go the wrong way or anything. I want developers to give me more awesome games and not useless sequels, prequels or expansions.