Eidos developed a game called Kane & Lynch: Deadmen. A game an Editor In Chief from GameSpot reviewed. That Editor's name is Jeff Gerstmann, he gave this game a 6.0 for many reasons he explained.
Now, Eidos the developer of said game apparently didn't like this review(Even though many other review sites gave it between 65-69) and they threatned GameSpot to DROP their Ad Campaign on the game if they didn't do anything about it. What'd GS ''apparently'' do? FIRE Jeff. Yes, FIRE HIM! Now, these are still rumors but the way things are going it looks DAMN true to me. If this IS true GameSpot in my eyes is just a Forums Site where I go to discuss games. GameSpot would have lost ANY credibility they had left in them. Let yourself be threatned by a game developer just because of a freaking review? Please and I thought fanboys took reviews seriously.:|....He probably would've given the game a high score if you developed it good Eidos, don't you think?
Anyways, those are my thoughts on these issues. I have never been this mad here before. Let's all hope they're rumors. But, like I said the way things are going I don't think this is any rumor.